God is our father


When your identity with God is as a son you feel secure but when your identity becomes what you do (ministry) you feel insecure!

The moment anyone receives Jesus he or she is given the right to be called children of God and God becomes your Father (John 1:12). Then we grow into maturity to become sons and then go on to pursue your God-given purpose and call in life which God expects every one to fulfil in this world. (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 2:10)

But the moment you start identifying yourself by what you do than who you are as a son you become like a servant. Do not forsake who you are for what you do and land up like a servant instead of a son. A servant has no inheritance but the son does.

Jesus said, “Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.” John 8:35

Jesus said many will come on that Day and tell Him I did this, I did that in His name but He would turn to them and say “I never knew you!” They thought because they did something in His name they were His but they were completely wrong.

As we grow from new born babes and children to mature sons we continue to identify and know God more and more as our Father.

We are called to do great works in the ministry and we should do great things but our identity remain as sons. What you do in the kIngdom will be rewarded but our identity is not what we do but who we are as sons. We do not serve God as mere servants but we serve in the Kingdom as a son would serve his Father.

God has given us the same privilege as Jesus the Son of God who made us sons of God.


  1. Agreed with you Dr John. Many of us begin our journey with Christ by believing ourselves as a son but end up in ministry as a servant. Appreciate your meditation. We have different roles/postions in ministry but above all we are His sons, what we do for His glory, we do as a son.

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