BEWARE of control and manipulation

The “priests” of the Catholic “church” held lots of power in their hands, not for the good of the people but so that they could retain power and authority over…
The “priests” of the Catholic “church” held lots of power in their hands, not for the good of the people but so that they could retain power and authority over…
Saying just anything from the Bible and mentioning the name of Jesus does not make it the gospel! Paul mentions if anyone preaches any other Gospel other than that he…
The first command that God gave to man after creating them was to BE FRUITFUL and multiply. We see that everything God created is meant to BEAR FRUIT. Now we…
I was listening to one or two Jewish Rabbis who are acknowledged by many as having much wisdom on financial prosperity. The Jews are known to have financially prospered wherever…
LET GOD BE YOUR GOD – do not let your needs, greeds and desires be your god. Fishing out only those verses which you like from the Bible results in…
Jezebel killed and troubled many prophets of God. Finally, God’s judgment came upon her saying “I will avenge the blood of My servants the Prophets… The dogs will eat Jezebel…
ONCE in my life many years back while in College I experienced difficulty to breathe (like asthma) which was unbearable for me. I was not following Jesus at that time…
TWO PEOPLE I would have adored had I not known Christ – Mohammed Ali, and Steve Jobs – who accomplished much and received the praises of the world but both…
Many in ministry become “big” leaders taking advantage of the desperate situations common people were in or are still in – the people come seeking answers for their problems and…
Preachers have preached and hearers have heard that it is because of the rebellion of the Israelites that they took 40 years to reach the promised land when there was…
“IF GOD IS GOOD” why He allows bad things to happen to “good” people? People ask this question always questioning the goodness of God. First of all, Who gave YOU…
Jesus spoke to His disciples “let’s go to the other side and went off to sleep”. Along the way, the storms rage against the boat and they panicked and woke…