Why God created us?

Many say God created us to worship Him but does the Bible say so? We do worship Him but is that WHY He created us?

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and FOR THY PLEASURE they are and were created. Rev 4:11

He created all things and FOR HIS PLEASURE He created all things and finally made man in His image. (This is written NOT to create dissension but to bring out one aspect of life which will be made clear by this article). Man was created in the image of God but we see man live and end his life on earth like a labourer in this world – many or most of them doing things which they may not be enjoying or is not a pleasure doing it – is that how God meant life to be?

No, not at all – we know that man landed up in this situation after the fall of man when he sinned and God cursed the land which was meant to bear good fruit now would bear thorns and thistles and to man He said “Now you will eat by the sweat of your brow”. God meant man to work before his fall but it was never by toil or sweat but work was a pleasure.

Jesus came to restore all things and He spoke in Matthew 6 “Look at the birds of the air they do not toil nor spin but your heavenly Father feeds them, and how much more will He feed you”. Through faith in Jesus we have become His children and we are called to work but as how one would work for His Father not like working for a demanding boss or a taskmaster.

This earth is still not a perfect place but we are called to seek His will and purpose in everything we do on earth and He can make our life meaningful and also find the greatest PLEASURE in working and doing His will as long as we are on this earth.