Saying just anything from the Bible and mentioning the name of Jesus does not make it the gospel!

Paul mentions if anyone preaches any other Gospel other than that he and the apostles preach let him be under a curse! That’s the only place in the New Covenant when a believer is said to be under a curse, so it is of utmost importance that we know what the Gospel is.

First of all, the Gospel is not that we were good people and so God chose us, but that while we were still sinners Jesus died for us. Jesus said I did not come for the righteous but for the sinners – that is the Gospel – when we had no way to be righteous before God, He made a way for us to be forgiven and be made righteous by sending His Son to die for our sins.

Christ died for our sins, was buried and He rose from the dead – this is the Gospel, scriptures say in 1 Cor 15:3-4

Gospel is not about our righteousness but His righteousness which He imputed into us by faith. We received His righteousness and He became our righteousness.

We are called to seek His righteousness, not our righteousness – Mt 6:33

The moment you add any of your righteousness to His free gift of righteousness as the Jews who came to faith tried to add circumcision and obedience of the law to become righteous before God that has become another Gospel and Paul said Let him be under a curse.

We are not justified by works but we are justified by faith. Works follow justification but we are not justified by works, but by faith – righteousness is the gift of God, and no man can boast before God about his own righteousness – stop preaching about obeying the law to be saved, as we are no more under the law but under the law of the Spirit which has set us free – not a freedom to sin again but to live out the righteousness which he has given us as a gift.

Though we obey the word of God but it is still not by our obedience that we are justified and saved. We obey because of love, as Jesus said, If you love you will obey me. When we fall short, we have the grace of God available for us which He has lavished upon us. When sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.

It is very important to understand the Gospel which Paul and the apostles preached and stop preaching the law and obeying the law to be made righteous – this is another Gospel – which teaches that we are saved because of our obedience or our own righteousness. We are called to seek His righteousness (Mt 6:33), not our righteousness. Living righteously in this world as followers of Jesus is because we love Him and are called to be the salt and light of this world as His witnesses.

When sin is removed by faith in Jesus, the effects of sin which came into the world also will be broken which is disease, sorrow, curse, and poverty.

Through Jesus’ sacrifice, our sins are forgiven and disease, sorrow (Isaiah 53:4-5), curse (Gal 3:13-14), and poverty (2 Cor 8:9, 9:8) also were removed from our lives.

Is this the Gospel that you are preaching?

If you are preaching any other Gospel you will come under a curse, says Paul by the Holy Spirit. Gal 1:8

The Gospel Paul preached is that of the grace of God, and to preach and make known this Gospel which God has entrusted him he considers his life worthless. Acts 20:23-24

Any other Gospel is not the gospel at all, and he who preaches any other Gospel will be under a curse. So, make sure we preach the GOSPEL OF GOD’S GRACE.

Read Romans 1-4 chapters, and Galatians fully.