IF GOD IS GOOD WHY bad things happens to “good” people?

“IF GOD IS GOOD” why He allows bad things to happen to “good” people?

People ask this question always questioning the goodness of God.

First of all, Who gave YOU the authority to be a judge as to Who is good and Who is bad? No one appointed YOU as a judge to conclude who is good and who is bad among human beings.

Someone came to Jesus addressing Him as Good Teacher, and Jesus answered saying, “Why do you call me good? NO ONE IS GOOD but God.” So, that’s the answer – NO ONE IS GOOD EXCEPT GOD – that’s the right place to begin – NO MAN IS GOOD as ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

So, why do bad things happen to people? The answer is simple and clear – because of man’s sin and continuing sin in the world corruption has set in everywhere even in what they call “nature”, in babies born crippled and all the bad things that are seen happening around.

Now, did God leave man in this miserable situation forever to perish in his sin?


God sent His Son to die for us and the punishment for our sins was laid upon Him so that whosoever believes and calls upon the name of JESUS will be saved and have abundant life and eternal life.

So when you see people in misery know that it is not God Who brought the misery upon them but the sin of man has caused those bad things to happen in man’s lives and in the world around us.

God in His mercy and love has made a Way for mankind to be saved, and that Way is Jesus.

Jesus said, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE; no man comes to the Father except through Me.