HEALING BY THE STRIPES Jesus bore in His body

ONCE in my life many years back while in College I experienced difficulty to breathe (like asthma) which was unbearable for me.

I was not following Jesus at that time nor had read the Bible but rejected it saying, “I don’t want this in my life”, and that was the first and the last time I had breathing difficulty.

What’s the point?

What you accept stays, what you reject stays away!

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you”

If that was possible when I had read no Bible nor known Jesus then how much it is possible to see miracles and healings in our lives and through our lives by the power we have received through the Holy Spirit.

Many people even after knowing Jesus have chosen to depend on human power more than God’s power which is available to us because of what Jesus has done on the cross for our healing – the stripes He took on His body, and it is “By His stripes we WERE healed”

TODAY I BOAST IN THE LORD saying, I don’t remember when I went last to a Hospital for a test nor when I took a tablet or medicine last!

David had experienced rescuing his sheep from the mouth of lions and bears before he faced Goliath.

So, if all your experience is depending on medicine then what will you do when medical science would say, “We can do nothing about this!”