LEADERS IN MINISTRY are called to feed the sheep that belongs to Jesus

Many in ministry become “big” leaders taking advantage of the desperate situations common people were in or are still in – the people come seeking answers for their problems and find it in Jesus and then become part of His church to which God has given leaders ie apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.

It is important to ALWAYS remember it is God Who has called them (not we) and they are added to the church by Him (not us) and the leaders are given the responsibility to FEED THEM, as Jesus told Peter.

Today it has become so in many places the sheep are used by the leaders to feed them! The people are not sent to the church so that the leaders can feed off them and take advantage of their desperate situations, but they are sent by God so that they can be fed.

Does the shepherd have a right to take the sheep’s milk to feed himself? Yes, he can, but ALL its milk is not for the shepherd to take, cos the sheep has its babies too to feed!

I heard one pastor say, All the money that comes to the church is the pastor’s “salary”!!!

The money that comes to the church as tithes and offerings is for the church and for the work of the church which is to reach the lost – Jesus asked the whole church to do this work and to take care of the needy among them. Do not just send the poor among you with prayers, saying “God will take care of you” when God has appointed the church to take care of the needy among them first and also the poor and needy in this world, being the Salt and Light of the world.

Also, make sure you are to equip them so that they know sound doctrine, and also equip them to fulfill their calling. DO NOT manipulate them, use them for your advantage and make them dependent on you instead of teaching them to depend and trust in God.

A final question for the leaders:

Is your trust still in the God who called you or has it shifted from God to the income coming off the people in the church or the ministry you lead?