FAITH COMES by hearing what?

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of CHRIST. Romans 10:17 Some translations say Hearing by the Word of God, but the right translation is Hearing by…
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of CHRIST. Romans 10:17 Some translations say Hearing by the Word of God, but the right translation is Hearing by…
Though Abraham reached the Promised Land which God told him He would give it to him and his descendants Abraham wandered around like strangers and aliens as he had a…
Abraham the father of faith though did not walk a perfect walk (as we know in between he was led by human ideas through his wife’s counsel) but he never…
Thats what our heavenly Father says to all of us who are His sons through Jesus Christ In the story which we call the Parable of the Prodigal son it…
Many say God created us to worship Him but does the Bible say so? We do worship Him but is that WHY He created us? Thou art worthy, O Lord,…
Death simply means SEPARATION. To make it more clear know human beings have a body, soul and spirit. Body is obviously is my physical body. Soul is my mind, will…
So, enjoy your life that God has given us as a precious gift. Fulfil your purpose in this life on earth. Know that life is eternal not temporal and you…
A father feels happy and at rest when his children starts standing “on their own legs” but he will be sad if the son is ever dependant on him. In…
Don’t just waste your life doing normal things but know that you were created in Gods image fearfully and wonderfully made and that your life has a purpose beyond feeding…