THE SWORD keeps enemies far away

The shield is a weapon of DEFENSE, but the Sword is the weapon of OFFENSE. I used to speak words of faith against any word when someone (used by the devil) tried to sow doubt in my my mind, BUT…
The shield is a weapon of DEFENSE, but the Sword is the weapon of OFFENSE. I used to speak words of faith against any word when someone (used by the devil) tried to sow doubt in my my mind, BUT…
Was enjoying some good ol’ songs – real good ones – which never grows old and there is much more always to explore, see and enjoy, which could take a lifetime and still not be enough – man’s talents and…
Jesus said, While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world. And now, You are the light of the world. “I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness,…
The last words Jesus spoke before He was taken up into heaven – Acts 1:8 – was the reminder of what we are called to be doing till He returns ” .. but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit…
The only One you can trust in your life is the One Who loved you enough to even send His own Son to die for you – He will NEVER forget you nor forsake you – one of the verses…
Jesus came searching for us who were lost in our trespasses and sins It is not we Who found Him but it is Jesus Who found us in our lost states, as we were like sheep without a shepherd and…
This happened at a Christian Worship Concert long time back in the city of Hyderabad So many had gathered at a huge ground in the city for a Christian Worship Concert where a few bands were there to play worship…
What makes you an asset? The very fact that you are created in the image of God makes you an asset but make sure you are an asset in the right hand of God. An asset is defined as a…
Who is the liar? What is the biggest lie he speaks? Then what is the Truth? First of all Who is the liar? The devil is not just the liar, he is the father of lies! Jesus spoke to the…